Veteran Championship Winners  
  Year Member Name
  2024 R. Jerrim
  2023 H. Debenham
  2022 T. Riches
  2021 G. Thornthwaite
  2020 T. Riches
  2019 M. Morrison
  2018 B. Dickinson
  2017 G. Smeaton
  2016 B. Dickinson
  2015 R. Sinclair
  2014 B. Dickinson
  2013 B. Dickinson
  2012 B. Dickinson
  2011 B. Dickinson
  2010 T. Hewitt
  2009 T. Hewitt
  2008 G. Martin
  2007 T. Hewitt
  2006 A. Nicholson
  2005 C. Robbie
  2004 K. Copeland
  2003 R. Cameron
  2002 R. Cameron
  2001 K. Copeland
  2000 K. Copeland
  1999 Z. Anderle
  1998 H. Bowman
  1997 B. Tapper
  1996 B. Tapper
  1995 M. Mayo
  1994 J. W. Stevenson
  1993 P. Mitchell
  1992 B. Tapper
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1992-2020 Scratch Winner, 2021 onwards Nett Winner